Cupping, is used frequently to complement acupuncture. Cups placed at various points on the body stimulate your protective energy and generate movement of blood. The skin is the body’s largest organ, it has rich circulation and clears toxins quickly and efficiently.
Cupping and Gua Sha naturally draw blood to the external capillaries of the body and as a result minor and painless welts or bruises may be left after a treatment.
Additionally poor circulation which resulted from the occlusion of capillaries in the muscle tissue may cause aching pain. Blood contains oxygen, and muscles which blood cannot reach will indicate symptoms of aching and numb pain. Cupping therapy removes local congestion and augments the circulation to the areas that were originally poorly supplied and thereby relieve the symptoms of numbness and aching pain. This action constitutes releasing pain from blood/chi stagnation.
Heathmont Chinese Medicine can provide Vacuum Cupping services, generally as a part of a course of treatments. Should you feel that you may benefit from this type of treatment, please contact us to arrange a consultation.